Monday, 20 June 2011

Another digression

It is several weeks since I chatted to you. Rather than looking back, I have been enjoying the here and now. On June 11th Bill & I celebrated our 56th wedding anniversary and the following day I became an octogenarian. As the saying goes " Where did the time go?!"
Rather than sit down and wonder about that on our anniversary we enjoyed a full day flight from Toowoomba to Lake Eyre and back. We left home at 6.30am, took off  at 7.20am and returned to Toowoomba airport at 7.10pm, home about 7.45pm so it was a long day. We had a great time and enjoyed it all.
The birthday on the sunday was quiet ; Anne and family took us to lunch but we are saving the main celebration until you are all here in July.
I dont remember any of us having birthday parties when I was a child and can only remember one occasion when I went to one. I had to walk up to the tram stop on Ipswich road and wait for the girl's father to collect me by car; he was to pick up several girls; I was in a panic in case I was late and can remember that awful feeling that I may have been left behind. Fortunately he did arrive.I cannot remember anything about the party...just that anxious wait!

I have a vague feeling that it may have been that day that I saw some of my classmates in their uniform of the Junior Red Cross. ..perhaps they had been to that before they came to the party. I pestered Mum to let me join ( I thought they looked "cool" ) but  no go; I had ballet on Saturday mornings and the meetings were Saturday afternoons and  not in walking distance from our place so there was no chance I could join.

Alan was in the Cubs ( dont think he ever went up to Scouts) but I dont think I knew anyone in the Brownies so that wasn't an issue for me. We had some interesting evenings as a family when the Cubs had something special. Guy Fawkes night was usually spent at the Cubs around their bonfire and I can recall other occasions when there was a concert or badges award night. I do know there was always a supper and it was a special treat ; the walk there and back in the dark was also exciting. Having said that I think we sometimes had a lift with someone in their car.

Like all children I looked forward to the birthday present...when I see what youngsters receive these days I am amazed. We thought it was great to receive a book or maybe a doll. Auntie Agnes and Grandfather always had a small gift for me and these were treasured.

This year my birthday fell in the weekend of the Queen's birthday public holiday. I haven't worked out how often that would happen but do recall it happening once when I was in primary school. I must have been talking about it during recess as I remember some of the girls acting a bit jealous!

Anyhow here I am now officially an old lady! Some mornings I feel it too! However I am blessed with good health and you'll probably have me around for some years yet!

Unfortunately I didn't have a photo taken on my birthday but this one was taken the previous day on our flight to Lake Eyre.