Tuesday, 22 March 2011

a few facts

Best to start with a few basic facts. I cant remember the occasion personally but records tell me I was born in Brisbane on 12th June, 1931. My father was Isaac ( known as Ike) Tarbit and mother Mary ( nee Wain.) My brother Alan was born in 1929  and my sister Lois 5 years after me. I do remember when Lois was born. I can still feel my excitement of going ( probably with my father and brother) to visit Mum and the baby in a small private hospital .What a thrill to have a baby in the family ...and a sister at the same time!
I have no memories of my Grandmother Tarbit but came to know and love my Grandfather Tarbit and Auntie Agnes. Some years after Grandmother died my Grandfather married again and Ida was very much part of my life also. I dont remember my maternal grandparents from my childhood but do remember meeting one or both of them many years later at the wedding of my cousin Val Wain. I was surprised at how small they were as from what my mother had told me they were very strict and rather severe people. Interesting that I had therefore thought they must be big??!!
My mother was one of 11 children but my father had only his sister
Agnes (who never married -though I remember my father saying that she used to correspond with a serviceman during the war; not sure if he was hinting at any more. Wish I knew.)
That's enough for a first instalment.

Hilary Joan

Mary (mother) & Ike(father) with Hilary and Alan

Agnes (aunt), Mary, Ike with Hilary, Alan, Grandmother Tarbit
Alan & Hilary

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