Friday, 1 April 2011


I mentioned earlier that we did not have a car when I was very young and attending dancing  classes. It appears I was mistaken as big brother Alan has informed me that Dad did have a car in those early years. I had seen photos but assumed that the car belonged to my Grandfather Tarbit as I know he had a car.

 I have no memory of ever being in this car but that is me sitting on my father's lap at the steering wheel and Alan being the "back seat driver"
I have not been able to discover how long Dad had this car. Mum did not drive then so anywhere we went with her was certainly by tram.

 The family did not have another car until 1949 when we were living at Bald Hills. Mum obtained her licence then. Alan learnt to drive but I dont remember any suggestion either from myself or a parent  that I learn! Looking at the size of the Morris I dont think I would have been keen. This photo shows Dad, Lois in the car and my friend Gill Davey sitting on the runningboard. It was taken on my birthday in 1950 during an outing to Somerset Dam.
Note...I finally obtained my drivers licence in Mackay about 1959.

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