Monday, 26 March 2012

Postscript to schooldays.

Though we didn't have school camps or major trips as schools organise today I do remember one great school outing while I was at Yeronga state primary school. It was probably pre-war so I would have been about 8. There was a steam ship named the SS Koopa which steamed from Brisbane to Redcliffe  and I think also to Moreton Island. The school may have had an annual picnic and on this occasion a family day was organised on the SS Koopa to Redcliffe. Mum made me a new outfit . I can still remember the floral material for the shorts and top. She also made a large sunbonnet to match...a sensible action as I have always burnt easily in the sun.  I grizzled all day about wearing that hat as I thought it was babyish! Ungrateful  young miss! I always had to wear a blouse under my bathing togs  and that also brought out the grizzles. I must have enjoyed the day on the whole as it is a fond memory!

Thanks to my son-in-law Brian for finding these photos for me.

I have mentioned earlier that my Grandfather Tarbit, Ida, and Auntie Agnes were very much part of our lives. Alan and I spent some wonderful school holidays staying with them at their home in Booval outside Ipswich.  In 1947 Lois and I spent some time with them..Alan would have been at work by then.

Here we are helping our Grandfather pick peaches for Ida to make jam.

At the time when I finished secondary school many girls were making their debut. These were very big occasions and were often organised by the school. Clayfield College did not sponsor these events and many girls from my year had a private "coming-out" party or supper dance. I went to several of these and finally persuaded my parents to allow me to have one. We held a supper-dance in a Hall at Clayfield and invited all my class. Some  of them brought a male friend along but there were still plenty of girls dancing together. I remember it as a very happy evening.

This was the dress I made for the occasion. The little bolero I had knitted in some sort of chenille which was very popular at the time.

When I see the photos in the newspaper these days of the "graduation" outfits the girls are wearing I think how young and unsophisticated my generation was...and  rationing on cloting is not in force in Australia today!

1 comment:

  1. Re-calling your past life for your grandchildren through this blog is such a terrific idea. Well done!!
