Friday, 21 September 2012

Getting around

At last it is Spring here and I have been sorting out the winter clothes ready to clean and pack away until next year. We are off to Mooloolaba in a couple of weeks for our annual couple of weeks of sun, surf and sand...cant wait!
Thinking about what clothes etc to take and how our little VW Golf will be well packed for the trip over to the coast, I began wondering how our mother ever managed to pack for our annual holiday at the coast. Until 1949 we would have travelled by train from Brisbane, alighting at Palmwoods for Maroochydore or Landsborough for Caloundra...I think that is correct. Then we travelled by a "bus"...I use the term loosely as I seem to remember what was more like a converted truck with bench seats....over a dirt/sandy raod. this was great fun for the kids as we sang and played Ispy etc and had a competition to see who would first see the water. Must have been slow torture for the adults!

The luggage I think was towed behind in something. The rented houses or flats( units in todays terminology) where we stayed were not serviced and all household linen, cutlery etc had to be taken with us in "ports"...suitcases to you southerners! On some occasions I remember havingChristmas at the coast so presents would also have to be packed  and  all this had to be carried. I cant remember ever seeing my mother carrying a port and we didn't have backpacks or duffle bags then so however did Dad manage...even with Alan's help. I'll be thinking about that as I cram another bag of things into the Golf!

Dad bought the old Morris in 1949 ( Post-Car-1 April,2011) and we seem to have made quite a few day trips over the following few years as well as the annual coast holiday. During my high school days and later I was often able to take a friend with me on these holidays and day trips. This photo was taken at Somerset Dam in June 1949, and shows my friend Gill, Lois and me.

I also had a couple of holidays when I went with the same friends on their holidays...

Felicity and Hilary at Springbrook 1949

The north coast beaches were always part of my life...

Caloundra, 1949


1 comment:

  1. Hilary, it is really interesting hearing of your early years and seeing photos.
    Somehow I gravitated here from your travel blog.
