Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Some events in Australia's history between 1948 and 1955

It is interesting to put one's own life against the backgound of the nation at different stages.

I finished school in 1948; June of that year saw the end of rationing of meat and clothing...though there were still shortages.

In January of 1949... the year I started work at the South Brisbane library... the Nationality and Citizenship Act was passed. From Australia Day ,January 26th, Australians would have their own citizenship, although they were to remain British subjects.  This applied to those born here and to naturalised people. It seems hard to believe that Australian citizenship, taken for granted today, did not exist until then.

In August, 1949 there was another serious polio outbreak; this time involving adults as well as children.

Rationing of petrol ended in February  and of butter in June, 1950. In July Australian troops were sent to Korea. Plans were made about this time to establish TV in Australia; it finally went to air in September that year.

In 1951... the year I went to Uni full-time... the School of the Air began broadcasting from the Flying Doctor base in Alice Springs; in August compulsory National Service of 98 days was introduced .

1952 saw Elizabeth crowned Queen after the death of her father King George V1

People greeted with relief the end of our involvement in the Korean war in 1953.

In 1954...while I was working full-time at the State Library... Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh visited Australia. There was another polio outbreak so they were vaccinated in Canberra during their visit!

In 1955...Hilary & Bill were married!!!!

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